How good are you at the art of flirting? Are you able to grab someone’s attention and use your magnetic charm to draw their interest, or are you that person who prefers to look the part and let people come to you in an effort to woo you? Then again, maybe you’re someone who doesn’t have a flirty personality and any attempts you do try to make only comes off awkward and forced.
What if we told you that you didn’t have to endure humiliation whenever you tried flirting and that you could take a flirt test to figure out your flirting style? Now, you might think that some little internet quiz is not going to be helpful in helping you figure out what is your flirting style, but that is where you’d be wrong!
Pass the Quiz and then read the explanation to results!
In the world of flirting, there tends to be three different types of flirting:
• The low key flirt – The low key flirt uses subtleties to get their crush’s attention and they tend not to be the first one to make the move.
• The aggressive flirt – The aggressive flirt is someone who knows what they want and they go after it with gusto.
• The anti-flirt – The anti-flirt is the type of person who doesn’t make any moves. These people are either too shy to or their attempts at flirting fail miserably.
Let’s say you don’t need a test to figure out what your flirting style is – you already know which one of these three you fall into. You want to know how to make your flirting style work for you. We’ve got you covered. When you keep these tips in mind, you’ll be able to go from flirting to dating with ease.
As a low key flirt, the key to winning someone over is to play up your strengths. If you’re an intellectual, find a topic that the person cares about and have a deep conversation about it. Or, if it’s something that you’re unfamiliar with, show genuine interest and ask about it. Also, playful flirting will work well to your benefit. It shows that you do know how to have fun and that you don’t mind being silly from time to time.
Aggressive flirts tend to come on too strong and that’s a big turn off for many people. Instead of being all in your face and “I like you, we should date,” tone it down a little. If you find that you make people uncomfortable with physical flirting, tone it down a little bit. There’s nothing wrong with helping someone out of their seat or touching their arm while conversing, but don’t get any more intimate than that! Remember, less is always more in that regard.
The anti-flirt… Many people think you’re just a hopeless wallflower that will wilt at the sign of someone coming to talk to you. What they don’t know is that you are an incredible person and that they’d be lucky to date you! To prove how great you are, step out of your comfort zone. We aren’t suggesting that you act in a way that you normally wouldn’t, but we are suggesting that you be personable. Sometimes people are drawn to the quirky charm that wallflowers have, and you can definitely work that to your advantage. Plus, the more you talk to people and break out of your shell, the easier you’ll find it to talk to people and of course, flirt!
So are you interested to know which flirt type you are? Pass our quiz!