Poly couples dating actively often find that it can be hard to find someone who is entirely on-board with their lifestyle. Like many alternative lifestyles polyamory has its detractors, and so when dating poly couples often have to walk the line between complete honesty and driving away potential friends and partners. So, what are the benefits of online dating for poly men and women? The most obvious answer is that you can establish whether or not potential dates are ok with a polyamorous relationship with greater ease! People are less likely to feel put on the spot or ambushed if the subject is broached before you meet in person. This way you can relax and have a good time on your first date! Another good thing about online dating for poly couples is that you can look at potential men and women together. Poly couples dating together is a beautiful and fun thing that can really help you bond; why not get your partners opinion on the singles that you find? And, of course, there is the matter of time! When you work long hours and want to spend time with your main partner, it can be hard to find the time to stay active on the dating scene. Online dating sites can help with this!
Polyandry dating has long been a niche of the overall dating scene which people are less aware of, however, that is (thankfully) changing with the rise of dating sites that cater to this lifestyle. If you’re new to polyamorous dating or are used to using a monogamous dating site, this is also a good place to meet other, more experienced polyamorous singles to help guide you! If you are looking to find someone special, someone, that you can really build a connection with, online then there is some basic advice that holds true for all singles. Firstly, take the time to think about your profile and what you wish to say about yourself. The best way to attract someone that you can really connect with is to be honest about yourself and what you are looking for. We recommend that you highlight some of your interests, some facts about yourself and that you indicate that you are seeking polyamorous connections. This means that no-one will be disappointed at a later stage; when everyone walks into the situation with their eyes open there’s a real chance for romance and fun. The polyamorous singles that you have been looking for could be just a click away so why not join us and see what’s on offer?